The CASTL Survey

2004 Survey of CASTL Scholars, by Rebecca Cox, Mary Taylor Huber, and Pat Hutchings

The CASTL survey was originally administered in 2004 by the Carnegie Foundation as a component of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Program, a major initiative launched in 1998 that works with a wide variety of institutions (campuses, collaborative centers and organizations, scholarly societies, etc.) to broaden the reach and depth of the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The CASTL survey is to paint a broad-brush picture of the professional life of scholars of teaching and learning in individual, institutional, and disciplinary contexts. The results of the survey helps document the changing culture of teaching in higher education, while also contributing to a better understanding of the contexts for and consequences of engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The results of the survey are reported in the Appendix to the 2005 book The Advancement of Learning: Building the Teaching Commons by Mary Taylor Huber and Pat Hutchings.

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The Carnegie Foundation Survey of Doctoral Students

The survey was originally administered in 2005 by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as part of the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID), a research and action project which works with over 80 departments around the country that are committed to examining and improving their doctoral programs.

The purpose of this survey was to examine the relationship between student experiences in a doctoral program and the outcomes of doctoral education. The survey addressed the full range of responsibilities which may be expected of a holder of the doctorate, including research, teaching, and the application of knowledge and skills in the discipline to practical problems in the world outside of the university.

The findings of the study were reported in the 2008 book The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century by George Walker, Chris M. Golde, Laura Jones, Andrea Conklin Bueschel, and Pat Hutchings.

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